Retriever Training
Basic Retriever
(4 Month Program)
With all of our programs we now cover crate and house training in our new indoor training room. This room is climate controlled which allows us to work dogs inside when the weather doesn't allow us to work them outside.
The 1st month of basic training starts with a solid foundation on Obedience, where we teach Sit, Heel, Here, Kennel, and Place. First we start on leash and teach the commands with treats, then move to off leash obedience and the electric collar. During this time we do lots of fun retrieving with the dogs and expose them to all kinds of new things including a variety of birds (live and dead), bumpers, water, decoys, all types of cover, and gunfire.

The 2nd and 3rd Months of training are where all the hunting scenarios begin. We expose them to every situation, whether it is duck hunting in a blind, dove hunting in a field, or quartering and flushing upland birds in tall cover. During this stage we put a lot of focus on steadiness in the dove field with lots of exposure to multiple shooters, live birds, and honoring other dogs. We also let them flush lots of birds so that they're desire to hunt any cover for downed birds is really high.

The 4th month is where we put all the polish on and make sure that they're under control in any situation. Whether it's out on a dove hunt with friends or going for a walk in the neighborhood they will be obedient and compliant with commands. We strive to have a dog that loves to work but also is under control at all times.
If the dog does not have a natural retrieve to hand and needs to go thru Force Fetch it will most likely add a 5th month to the program.
In our Force Fetch we teach them to Fetch, Hold, and Drop on command. Some breeds have such a natural delivery that this is not required.

In all of our programs, we prefer to get dogs in for training at a young age so that we can make sure they are developed the right way as they mature.
Advanced Retriever
Advanced training would be for dogs that have already been through our basic program. It can be customized for whatever your needs are. For Duck hunting it might be Blind retrieves where the dog will be able to sit on a whistle and take hand signals to a bird that he or she did not see fall. For Quail hunting it may be advanced heeling work so that the dog is always next to you under control and doesn't interfere with pointers on a hunt. Whatever it is that your looking for we can work on it and customize the training for your dog. Timeline varies depending on what your looking for.