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Funk's Voyageur Cleoata
VC Bone Point's Voyageur x Funk's Lacey at Appilton

Cleo is a really strong female with great retrieving desire and phenomenal bird finding ability. Her range and desire to find birds is exceptional. At 2 years old she has seen more birds and new country than most dogs see in a lifetime. Cleo has the ability to adapt between species and different hunting types very easily, which we feel separates a great dog from good dogs. When the hunting gets tough Cleo won't quit unless she finds birds. Even though she's so tough in the field she also has a great off switch in the house and loves attention from anybody that will give it to her. We're planning to breed her to our stud Mack in the spring of 2022 and are really excited to see what they produce. Check back for updates or call for more information.

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